August 31, 2016
Syracuse, N.Y.
Judge: Alun Garton, Perth, Scotland
Entries: 12 head
Reported by Kristine Gessner
Grand champion female: KGRL Caroline 4C, 4/10/15, sired by Trowbridge Yoga 182, exhibited by Kristine Gessner, Gessner’s Windy View Farms, Wayland, N.Y.
Reserve champion female: KGRL Chelsea 3C, 4/7/15, sired by Trowbridge Yoga 182, exhibited by Kristine Gessner, Gessner’s Windy View Farms, Wayland, N.Y.
Grand champion bull: Chester, 4/16/15, sired by WULFS Xcellsior X252X, exhibited by Ainsley Robbins, Robbins Rocky Hollow Farms, Bath, N.Y.
Reserve champion bull: TYNN Mr. Clayton, 1/16/15, sired by OKLF Linebacker 341L, exhbitied by Tyler Neamon, Arcade, N.Y.
Premiere breeder and premier exhibitor: Tyler Neamon, Arcade, N.Y.
NY special (best 2 head bred and owned): Kristine Gessner, Wayland, N.Y.