2022 NAILE Junior Limousin Show
November 13, 2022
Louisville, Ky.
Judge: Jonathan Perry
Grand Champion Limousin Female and Grand Champion Bred & Owned Limousin Female: JCRW Just As Classy 102J, 3/8/2021, 82% Limousin, double black, double polled, sired by TASF Grey Goose 333G ET, out of TASF Forever Classy, exhibited by John Crawford, Big Pool, Md.
Reserve Grand Champion Limousin Female: Jolene, 2/8/2021, 75% Limousin, double black, double polled, sired by ELCX Kings Landing 599 D ET, out of OCCC Concoction 436C, exhibited by Mckenzie Stadtmiller, Dayton, Pa.
Division Winners:
Division I Champion: Legacy’s Kinslee, 4/4/2022, 50% Lim-Flex, double black, double polled, sired by Legacy’s Hector, out of TCC Cali H39, exhibited by Jemma Dorsey, Moro, Ill.
Division I Reserve: TSSL SA Neal Lethal Lady ET, 3/17/2022, 25% Lim-Flex, homozygous black, double polled, sired by SCC SCH 24 Karat 838, out of JSZC HH TSSC Larissa 101G ET, exhibited by Claire Sennett, Waynetown, Ind.
Division II Champion: FSC Josi May 060J ET, 11/10/2021, 75% Lim-Flex, Homozygous black, heterozygous polled, sired by DHVO Deuce 132R, out of WLR Eden ET, exhibited by Claire Sennett, Waynetown, Ind.
Division II Reserve: ELCX Jazzed Up 308J, 11/10/2021, 65% Lim-Flex, homozygous black, homozygous polled, sired by ELCX Kings Landing 599 D ET, out of ELCX Aeriela, exhibited by D’lelah Laber, Hillsboro, Ohio.
Division III Champion: JCRW Just As Classy 102J, 3/8/2021, 82% Limousin, double black, double polled, sired by TASF Grey Goose 333G ET, out of TASF Forever Classy, exhibited by John Crawford, Big pool, Md.
Division III Reserve: Jolene, 2/8/2021, 75% Limousin, double black, double polled, sired by ELCX Kings Landing 599 D ET, out of OCCC Concoction 436C, exhibited by Mckenzie Stadtmiller, Dayton, Pa.
Division IV Champion: Ratliff Purple Heart 0100H ET, 9/22/2020, Purebred, heterozygous black, heterozygous polled, sired by TASF Crown Royal 960C ET, out of FWLY Purple Ribbon, exhibited by Sara Sullivan, Dunlap, Iowa.