Applying for Membership – Any reputable breeder or owner of cattle may become a member of the North American Limousin Foundation by applying for membership. This membership form and the correct fee should be sent to: NALF, 6155 S Main Street, Suite 245, Aurora, CO 80016.
Membership Classifications – There are seven classifications of NALF membership.
1) Annual Memberships ($100 per year) – Annual members of the North American Limousin Foundation are those who have submitted a membership application and annual fee. Annual members shall be deemed active for the year in which the Annual membership fee applies, starting with the established date of initial Annual membership. Each year Annual memberships can be renewed on the anniversary of the initial membership date. Active annual members are entitled to vote in the meetings of the Foundation, receive all work and services at member rates, and access to the secured member site on the web. Annual members are assigned a member number and herd prefix.
2) Lifetime Memberships – (discontinued June 1, 2004) Lifetime members of the North American Limousin Foundation have paid a membership fee and are entitled to vote at the meetings of the Foundation. As of June 1, 2004, Lifetime members may pay an annual service fee that entitles them to active member rates for all work performed by the Foundation and access to the secured member site on the Web. Lifetime members are assigned a member number and herd prefix.
3) Associate Memberships ($50) – Associates may register and transfer cattle through the Foundation but do not have voting or the other rights of an Annual member. Associates receive a herd prefix and member number and are billed at double the active member rates for all registrations performed by NALF. Access to the website is limited. In order for a breeder to become an associate member, a membership application and fee must be submitted to the NALF office.
4) Junior Memberships ($50 one time fee, $25 per year activity fee) – Junior memberships are available to persons under 21 years of age and are issued only in the individual Junior member’s name. No ranch names or partnerships are allowed. Junior members are non-voting members of NALF, but they do have voting rights in the North American Limousin Junior Association (NALJA). The initial cost of a junior membership is $50. This fee activates the Junior membership for the current year and the following calendar year. After this time, Junior members may pay a $25/year activity fee to qualify for active member rates and to show at NALF and NALJA sponsored events. When Junior members reach the age of 21, they must become Annual members to receive active member rates.
5) Founder Memberships – Founder memberships are the first 99 memberships of the North American Limousin Foundation. Founder members are entitled to vote in the business affairs of the Foundation. As of June 1, 2004, Founder members may pay an annual service fee that entitles them to receive active member rates for all work performed by the Foundation.
6) Partner Memberships – Partner memberships may be obtained by two or more active Lifetime, Founder or Annual members of NALF. A member of a partnership may record and transfer cattle under the herd prefix assigned to the Partner membership or under his or her own Lifetime, Founder or Annual membership herd prefix. The Partner membership was designed for groups of members who own donor cows. Lease cows also can be transferred to a Partner membership if the partners involved wish to record calves. The Partner membership fee is $50 for each Lifetime, Annual or Founder membership involved. At least one of the partners must pay the annual service fee for the Partner membership to receive active member rates.
7) Affiliate (X Member) – Affiliates are owners of registered Limousin cattle who are not Lifetime, Annual, Junior, Founder or Associate members. Affiliates do not have a herd prefix and cannot register offspring with NALF. They can transfer cattle and are assigned a NALF number. Most Affiliates are commercial cattle producers who have had registered Limousin bulls transferred to them.