Leonard Limousin
Walking into the Leonard’s house there are two things that become evident very quickly – Mark Leonard loves Limousin cattle and loves Civil War history.
It’s not often you meet a breeder who has been in the Limousin breed for 50 years – Leonard Limousin is one of the oldest [ … ]
Prairie Creek Ranch Limousin is nestled in the southwest corner of Missouri near Richards. Owned by Ron and Shirley Peckman, the ranch is a multi-generational family operation that Shirley grew up on.
“My parents raised Black and Red Angus cattle, but in the early 1970s, I was introduced to the Limousin [ … ]
Limousin cattle deliver to your bottom line. With superior genetics, a simple crossbreeding plan and state-of-the-art selection tools, the Limousin breed will serve profit-minded cow/calf producers. In today’s competitive markets, taking advantage of all available opportunities is key. The Limousin breed offers a variety of options from Fullblood to Purebred to the Lim-Flex® hybrid (Limousin x Angus cross) to match your program’s needs and market goals. Crossbreeding for the right blend of muscle, maternal ability and profit is easy with Limousin seedstock.