Limousin Latest
Focusing on Females

Buying bulls to build females requires knowledge of breed differences, the benefits of a well-structured crossbreeding program, and the tools that enable producers to select bulls within a breed for the traits that really matter for successful cows. From a trait perspective, emphasis should be placed on mature cow weight, [ ]

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NALF Releases New EPDs and Indexes

The requirement to produce superior quality genetics that enhance profitability is why your NALF board and Breed Improvement Committee has pushed forward with the release of new commercially relevant EPDS and updated indexes that are vital to not only building superior seedstock but are also relevant to the commercial cattlemen.

In [ ]

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Remember Your “Why”

Winter has been long, and if you’re like me, the snow, cold, wind, and mud has gotten you down at times. Calving season has been tough, and you’ve started daydreaming about sandy beaches and sunshine.

Friends, I see you.

Putting your blood, sweat, and tears into the family operation. Pouring your heart [ ]

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Limousin Genetics Excel in Both Competition and Production

The Limousin breed (along with Lim-Flex crosses) has achieved widespread show ring excellence across the country – particularly in champion drives. For breeders and commercial cattlemen, the profitability and marketing traits of the breed have been well known for a long time. But in addition to the impressive genetic advancement, [ ]

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LIMS: Whole Herd Reporting

Want to save money on registrations, transfers, and genomic profile testing? Looking to spend less time on the computer and more time outside? Tired of handwritten forms and paperwork? Want more reliable EPDs? Then the LIMS program is for you!

The Limousin Inventory Management System (LIMS) is an optional, web-based, whole [ ]

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NALF Update

NALF has just completed its August board meeting in Denver. The August board meeting is typically centered around budgeting for the next fiscal year. Much of this year’s discussion was centered around positive items we can do as a breed in terms of marketing, promotion and research on our cattle [ ]

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Work Order 1 Update for IGS BOLT EPDs is Live

In the life of any National Cattle Evaluation, periodic updates are needed to make the best use of all available information and technology. The evaluation which generates the EPDs published by NALF are no exception. Over the last couple of years, a massive research undertaking has been going on to [ ]

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Bull Seller’s Study Guide – Tips for Optimal Marketing

Many news articles about bull buying season focus on what buyers can do to make the best selections possible, but what about those who market and sell bulls – how can they be more successful? Bull sellers may define their success by the success of their customers in reaching their [ ]

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Bull Buyer’s Study Guide

Considerations Ahead of the Sale

When it comes to making the best possible purchasing decisions for your next herd sire, two words should come to mind – be prepared. Preparedness before buying a bull or bulls can mean enhanced profitability for producers, said Bob Weaber, professor and extension cow-calf specialist at [ ]

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The Value of Submitting Accurate Birth Weights

EPDs are the gold standard for selection tools for a given trait as all sources of information are included. EPD calculations use pedigree information, performance data, and genomic results, with all of these sources boiled down for you into one value, reported in units of the trait.  When available, EPDs [ ]

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Limousin cattle deliver to your bottom line. With superior genetics, a simple crossbreeding plan and state-of-the-art selection tools, the Limousin breed will serve profit-minded cow/calf producers. In today’s competitive markets, taking advantage of all available opportunities is key. The Limousin breed offers a variety of options from Fullblood to Purebred to the Lim-Flex® hybrid (Limousin x Angus cross) to match your program’s needs and market goals. Crossbreeding for the right blend of muscle, maternal ability and profit is easy with Limousin seedstock.

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