Want to save money on registrations, transfers, and genomic profile testing? Looking to spend less time on the computer and more time outside? Tired of handwritten forms and paperwork? Want more reliable EPDs? Then the LIMS program is for you!
The Limousin Inventory Management System (LIMS) is an optional, web-based, whole herd reporting program for active members (Founder, Lifetime, Junior and Annual members) of the North American Limousin Foundation. The program was first launched in 2006 and was revamped in 2016 to create a more user friendly and automated enrollment process for its members. The current LIMS program is a cumulation of many years of trials, breeder feedback, and the addition of new tools available in the Digital Beef registry platform.
The LIMS program is mutually beneficial for both members and NALF. There are incentives to capture unbiased, complete performance and reproductive data for more accurate EPDs. Members benefit from a simplified and lower cost way of conducting business. One question we get asked a lot is “Isn’t my herd too small for LIMS?” The short answer: absolutely not. There is no herd too big or small for the LIMS program. Small to medium sized herds can see a cost benefit from moving to the LIMS program almost immediately. If you are curious to the exact dollar figure for your herd, reach out to the staff and we can break down the program for you in a way that makes sense and is not overwhelming. We can determine if the LIMS program is right for you.
Cost savings
Among the many benefits that LIMS has to offer, what stands out most among members is the cost saving aspect of the program. LIMS members are required to enroll 100% of their females, at a rate of $32 per active cow each year. The $32 cost to enroll each cow each year includes the free registration and transfer (up to 30 months of age) for that year’s calf crop. With NALF’s current pricing structure, the least costly registration and transfer is $62 per animal. But with LIMS, it’s all covered in one fee of $32, which is at least a $30 savings for members.
In addition to saving money on registrations and transfers, NALF has partnered with Neogen to offer the LimVision cow herd reporting project. In line with the program’s objective to use performance data to drive more reliable genetic predictions, NALF encourages LIMS members to be progressive in their use of the genomic profile DNA tests to further drive improved EPD accuracy. Under LimVision, LIMS members have the opportunity to test active females at a reduced rate of $24 per head. In order to receive the $24 rate, members must test at least 90% of the cow herd. Once 90% of the cow herd has been tested, replacement heifers can be tested on the 100K for the same price. If LimVision is your primary reason for joining LIMS, please do so as soon as possible, as the LimVision program will only be offered through 2021. In addition to female testing, LIMS members can take advantage of a 5% discount off the100K genomic profile test.
Work smarter, not harder! Time is one thing that we all wish we had more of, especially during calving and breeding season. Enrollment in the LIMS program breaks your herd out into spring and fall calving cows, with each set having their own data tab. This concentrates all calving records to one place in Digital Beef, allowing you to see exactly what calves have been registered to which cows, and who is missing data. Each cow enrolled in LIMS will need to have a calf recorded or a reason for no calf (example, calf died before weaning) for each calendar year, and each calf will need a weaning weight recorded or a reason for no weaning weight. The LIMS tab will help you to identify these females or calves that are missing records. Complete performance and reproductive information that is required for inventory-based recording is submitted online. The more specific you are with recording this data, the easier and quicker your registrations will be later on. In addition, managing your herd through the many tools on the NALF-DigitalBeef platform will also be easier and more comprehensive. Digital Beef has the capacity to keep all these records for members, so that you can look back on historical calf crops, not having to worry about losing data.
More reliable EPDs
This total herd reporting program contributes more complete and comprehensive production information, helping to position breeders and the Limousin breed as a whole for future improvements. By reporting all your animals, you allow your top animals to stand out. The combination of performance data, genomic testing, NALF’s partnership with International Genetic Solutions has allowed for the most up to date EPDs on animals. As an IGS partner, these EPDs are comparable across 12 other breeds. These tools have helped Limousin identify areas of improvement and become more competitive in the seedstock industry.
Be certified
LIMS members have access to the LIMS certified seal. This seal signifies commitment to providing whole herd performance data. This means that 100 percent of the registered cows in your program are enrolled in LIMS and requires you to report complete and comprehensive data on all your cows and calves. This total herd reporting program signifies to other members and commercial producers that you are committed to providing more and better information on the genetic merit of your cattle.
The certified LIMS seal appears on your member site and on the animal view screen of every animal in you herd. It is also available to all LIMS members and can be used to further promote their herd in sale catalogs, advertisements, etc.
With the ever-changing cattle industry, NALF strives to maximize profit for its members. LIMS members have seen more precise EPDs and have saved time and money from being a member. You are encouraged to look into the program and see how it can benefit your cattle operation.
If you want to enroll in the LIMS program, please contact Alison Jones, Alison@nalf.org, or Tammy Anderson, Tammy@nalf.org
Limousin cattle deliver to your bottom line. With superior genetics, a simple crossbreeding plan and state-of-the-art selection tools, the Limousin breed will serve profit-minded cow/calf producers. In today’s competitive markets, taking advantage of all available opportunities is key. The Limousin breed offers a variety of options from Fullblood to Purebred to the Lim-Flex® hybrid (Limousin x Angus cross) to match your program’s needs and market goals. Crossbreeding for the right blend of muscle, maternal ability and profit is easy with Limousin seedstock.