‘From the Ashes’ benefits wildfire relief

Source: CattleNetwork.com

By Greg Henderson

Sometime during the night of March 8, following the wildfires that burned 461,000 acres of Clark County, Kan., GAR Momentum 784 gave birth to a GAR Sure Fire calf. The next morning as Gardiner Ranch employees scattered to inspect the ranch, Cole Gardiner photographed the pair resting in the aftermath of the fire and posted it to social media. Fowler, Kan., artist Joel Milford created an original painting from the photo, titled “From the Ashes,” that sold on Saturday, April 1, prior to Gardiner Angus Ranch’s annual production sale, with the proceeds going to wildfire relief through the Ashland Community Foundation.

Rancher Bill Broadie, Ashland, Kan., purchased the original print for $10,000. Immediately following the sale, the Berryman family from Ashland contributed an additional $25,000 to the sale of the print that increased the donation to wildfire relief to $35,000.

An additional 200 reprints were made available for purchase at $200 each, with all of the money going to wildfire relief. As of Monday, April 3, 90 of the prints were sold.

Prints can be purchased from Jan Endicott, at the Stockgrowers Bank in Ashland, Kan. jan@stockgrowersbank.com or 620-635-4032.

Prints are $200 plus $15 shipping and $16.12 Kansas sales tax.

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