Iowa State Fair Limousin Show
August 16, 2021
Des Moines, Iowa
Judge: Blake Lehman, Eureka, Ill.
Grand champion Limousin female: RGMA Hadley 64H, 5/21/2020, sired by TASF Crown Royal 960C, exhibited by Anderson Limousin, Garner, Iowa.
Reserve champion Limousin female: RGMA Harriet 16H, 3/5/2020, sired by FWLY Can Do Also, exhibited by Anderson Limousin, Garner, Iowa.
Grand champion Lim-Flex female: DEB V Hot Shot 039H, 4/12/2020, sired by DEB V Coal Miner363C, exhibited by Ava Miller, Treynor, Iowa.
Reserve champion Lim-Flex female: VL Heloise, 2/4/2020, sired by TASF Crown Royal 960C, exhibited by Mason Shipman, Treynor, Iowa.
Grand champion Limousin bull: JBV Epic 023H, 9/6/2020, sired by ROMN Floyd Mudhenkey, exhibited by Jim & Becky Venner, Breda, Iowa.
Grand champion Lim-Flex bull: CB Heavy Metal 0114H, 3/14/2020, sired by TMCK Alfalfa, exhibited by Sam Callahan, Centerview, Mo.
Champion Junior Get-of-Sire and Breeders Five Best Head: Venner Family Limousin, Breda, Iowa
Herdsman of the Year: Long Family Limousin, Afton, Iowa