Kansas State Fair Limousin Show
September 17, 2020
Hutchinson, Kan.
Judge: Tom Bigliene, St. Lousi, Mo.
Supreme champion female overall breeds: Ratliff Gabby 901G ET, 1/9/2019, sired by Silveiras Style 9303, out of Riverstone Charmed, exhibited by McKenna Richardson, Eureka, Kan.
Grand champion Limousin female: Legacy’s Goddess, 3/12/2019, sired by SHSK Mufasa, out of Legacy’s Candy, exhibited by Jordan Rupert, Legacy Farms, Witt, Ill.
Reserve champion Limousin female: SC Gertrude 413G, 10/4/2020, sired by TMCK Durham Wheat 6030X, out of SCAS Elvira 371A, exhibited by Tara Mueller, Hunter, Kan.
Grand champion Lim-Flex female: Ratliff Gabby 901G ET, 1/9/2019, sired by Silveiras Style 9303, out of Riverstone Charmed, exhibited by McKenna Richardson, Eureka, Kan.
Reserve champion Lim-Flex female: AUTO Hettie 207H, 2/26/2020, sired by MAGS Aviator, out of AUTO Remi 674D, exhibited by Pinegar Limousin, Springfield, Mo.
Grand champion Limousin bull: Legacy’s Hercules, 2/19/2020, sired by SHSK Mufasa, out of Legacy’s Candy, exhibited by Jordan Ruppert, Legacy Farms, Witt, Ill.
Reserve champion Limousin bull: Schilling Halas, 4/4/2020, sired by ROMN Floyd Mudhenkey 101, out of Schilling’s Yoki, exhibited by Schilling Cattle, Edson, Kan.
Grand champion Lim-Flex bull: SC Graffiti 920G, 11/6/2019, sired by Penners-CC Double Black 2, out of SCRN Diva 920D, exhibited by Super C Limousin, Altoona, Kan.
Reserve champion Lim-Flex bull: LFL Great Divide 9299G, 5/24/2019, sired by MAGS Unite Together, out of FLF Zip 2039Z, exhibited by Eric Morrow, MC Marketing, Dyer, Tenn.