Limousin Juniors Elect Leadership

2016-2017 NALJA Board of Directors-03556_web

Ten individuals will lead the North American Limousin Junior Association as the 2016-2017 board of directors.

One of the highlights of the annual Limousin junior national show is the election of officers and board members to serve the North American Limousin Junior Association (NALJA) for the upcoming year. The new officers and board members for the 2016-2017 year were named during the awards banquet of the National Junior Limousin Show and Congress (NJLSC) held on July 14, 2016 in Lexington, Ky.

Elected to lead NALJA as president for the upcoming year is Anna Johnson, Sebeka, Minn. She is the daughter of Russell and Barbara Johnson. Johnson was also appointed to her second term on the NALJA board, where she served as secretary this past year.

Likewise elected to his second term on the board of directors is Ethan Fruend. He is the son of Joey and Colleen Freund from Elizabeth, Colo. Ethan was named vice president, moving up from treasurer the year previous.

Callie Hicks, Midway, Ky., will serve as NALJA secretary for the 2016-2017 year. She is the daughter of James and Marci Hicks.

Another board member from Midway, Ky., Will Blaydes was selected as treasurer. Will is the son of Greg and Mary Blaydes.

Rounding out the NALJA executive committee is Ex-Officio Layton Schur from Plainview, Texas. The son of Glenn and Dina Schur, Layton is the retiring NALJA president.

Three new junior members were elected to their first term on the board of directors. Katie Hurt, Richmond, Ky., is the daughter of Bill and Susan Hurt. Dominic Ruppert, Witt, Ill., is the son of Chad and Andrea Ruppert. From Decatur, Texas, Randa Taylor, daughter of Suzanne Taylor, was the third new board member.

The additional members on the NALJA board of directors include Devan Cox, son of Larry and Holly Cox, from Coatesville, Ind., and Aaron Linhart, son of Charles and Heather Linhart, from Leon, Iowa.

Four young ladies completed their service on the NALJA Board of Directors. They are Ex-Officio Randee Corns, Eureka, Kan.; Director Rachel Booth, Miami, Okla.; Director Sarah Johnson, Williamsport, Ohio; and Director Taylor Green, Crossville, Tenn.

Katie Campbell, North American Limousin Foundation director of activities, serves as the staff advisor to the junior association and the junior board. Jim Bob Hendrickson, Adair, Okla., is the adult advisor for NALJA.

For more information on the North American Limousin Junior Association contact Katie Campbell, director of activities, at 303-220-1693, ext. 43, or visit


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