October 22, 2017
Miami, Okla.
Auctioneer: C.K.” Sonny” Booth
Sale management: MC Marketing Management
Sale consultants: American Cattle Services, Grassroots Consulting and Helton Consulting.
Reported by: Andy Rest, NALF regional manager
49 – Cow/calf pairs – $5,727
Sale Gross – $280,625
$16,500 – Pair – Lot 18, MAGS Zitella, black, homozygous polled, purebred, sired by MAGSWL Usual Suspect 538U, bred to TMCK American Made 353D, RHT Cattle Company, Wellsville, Mo. for $11,250. Lot 18A, MAGS Emeritus, 3/18/2017, double black, double polled, Lim-Flex, purchased by Faith Spriggs, Afton, Okla. for $5,250.
$10,000 – Pair – Lot 4, MAGS Zenogamy, 2/3/2012, black, polled, Lim-Flex, sired by TC Total 410, bred to TMCK American Made 355D, purchased by Watts Limousin, Fairfield, Neb. for $6,000. Lot 4A, MAGS Eleanor, 2/1/2017 homozygous black, homozygous polled, Lim-Flex, sired by MAGS Zodiac, purchased by Diamond Hill Cattle Company, Newcastle, Okla. for $4,000.
$7,750 – Pair – Lot 19, MAGS Zapatera, 3/30/2012, red, polled, Lim-Flex, sired by MAGS Payday, carrying an embryo sired by CJSL Creed out of MAGS Becall, purchased by End of the Trail Limousin, Vinta, Okla. for $2,750. Lot 19A, MAGS Enya, 2/15/2017, homozygous black, homozygous polled, Lim-Flex, sired by MAGS Zodiac, purchased by Diamond Hill Cattle Company, Newcastle, Okla. for $5,000.
$7,000 – Pair – Lot 12, MAGS Zawadee, 2/25/2012, homozygous black, homozygous polled, purebred, sired by BOHI Top Dollar 7144T, bred to TMCL Cash Flow, purchased by Edwards Limousin, Higginsville, Mo. for $3,250. Lot 12A, MAGS Edgy Axis, 3/2/2017, homozygous black, homozygous polled, Lim-Flex, sired by MAGS Y-Axis daughter, purchased by Jim London, Freedom, Okla. for $3,750.
Photo captions:
Caption 1 (Lawrence)- Bruce Lawrence (left), Anton, Texas bought several lots at the Magness Sale and is pictured with Magness principal, John Pence after the sale.
Caption 2 (Fitzpatrick)- Larry and Dana Fitzpatrick, Jefferson City, Mo. bought several head at the Magness Sale.
Caption 3 (End of the Trail)- End of the Trail Limousin, Vinta, Okla. represented by Garrett Sears (left), Rhonda Kennedy-Sorrell (center), and Ashley Hayes, was one of the volume buyers at the Magness Sale.