
LIMS stand for Limousin Inventory Management System. It is a total herd reporting program which allows members to lower their costs of doing business with NALF while contributing more complete and comprehensive productivity information to help position the Limousin breed for future improvements.

For questions or more information on the LIMS program, contact Alison Jones, NALF director of DNA processing & accounting operations, at 303-220-1693, ext. 59, or email Alison.

Contact Alison Jones or Mallory Blunier to receive the new LIMS Certified Performance Herd logo.


LimVision is the collaboration between Neogen and the North American Limousin Foundation to increase genomic marker information on females to increase accuracy of EPDs in the NALF herdbook. A limited number of research 50K genotypes and rebate funds will be available for the project.

How LimVision Works

  • Members will receive a research price of $24 for genomic tests in order to DNA test 90%+ of their current active cow inventory.
  • Participants that submit both mature weights and body condition scores electronically on 90%+ of current active cow inventory will receive an additional, one-time $3 rebate per head.


  • Only members that are enrolled in the LIMS Whole Herd program database and have a NALF registration number qualify for this project.
  • DNA samples must be submitted via All-flex Tissue Sampling Unit or Blood Card on the electronic LIM Vision Cowherd Project.

* This is a research collaboration and therefore DNA turnaround, data processing and other timelines associated with the project are not reflective of current NALF turnaround times.

To Enroll, Contact NALF

  • Mark Anderson –
  • Alison Jones –
  • Tammy Anderson –

LIMS LimVision Cow Herd Project Enrollment Form
NALF Female Project Agreement
DNA Suspend Protocol NALF
Rule of Repose


LIMS provides members and NALF a number of benefits – from the incentive to capture unbiased, complete performance and reproductive information for more reliable genetic predictions to a simplified and often lower cost way of conducting business for members.


There are several easy specifications members need to follow to participate in the LIMS program. These specifications are outlined in the LIMS Policies below.

LIMS Policies – NEW


LIMS has two calendars for Spring Calving Cows (January 1 through May 31) and Fall Calving Cows (Jun1 through December 31). Review the LIMS Calendar below for important dates and deadlines.

LIMS Calendar – NEW

Enrollment Instructions

Members can enroll in the LIMS program via their Member Site on the NALF-DigitalBeef Platform. Use the written guide below for step-by-step instructions and tips.

LIMS Enrollment Instructions – NEW

Watch the live recording of the LIMS Enrollment Webinar – Recorded on 2/6/17

LIMS Frequently Asked Questions and Tips

Self Billing Worksheet – Use this Self-Billing Worksheet to calculate fees for registrations, transfers, and other services

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