Minnesota State Fair Limousin Open Show
September 4, 2021
St. Paul, Minn.
Judge: Torie Nathan, Geneva, Neb.
Grand champion Limousin female: CHFF Holly 07H, 5/2/2020, sired by Floyd Mudhenkey 101F, out of CHHF Fiona 802F, exhibited by Paige Peine, Hastings, Minn.
Reserve champion Limousin female: SNYC Jasmine 107J, 3/10/2021, sired by Silverias Style, out of HMRP Basil 409B, exhibited by Kaitlyn Snyder, Hastings, Minn.
Grand champion Limousin bull: MRL Hooey 074H, 9/19/2020, sired by RPY Paynes Diesel 37D, out of Zeva Tomr, exhibited by Mill Road Cattle, Knapp, Wisc.
Reserve champion Limousin bull: CWCL Juicy, 3/6/2021, sired by CWCL Ludens First Dakota, out of CWCL Danny Girl, exhibited by Paul Bartsh, Rushford, Minn.