Missouri Limousin Breeders Association Summer Open Show

Missouri Limousin Breeders Association Summer Open Show
June 12, 2021
Sedalia, Mo.
Judge: Cole Johnston, Fair Grove, Mo.
Entries: 45 head

Grand champion female: GALF Glamour Girl 907G, 9/7/2019, 57% Lim-Flex, homozygous black, double polled, sired by MAGS Aviator, exhibited by Carson Hoth, Anderson, Mo.

Reserve champion female: LDIL Hallie 053H, 11/20/2020, 81% Limousin, homozygous black, homozygous polled, sired by TASF Crown Royal 960C, exhibited by Ellie Dill, Marshfield, Mo.

Grand champion bull: WFL Hennessy 011H ET, 2/2/2020, 75% Lim-Flex, homozygous black, homozygous polled, sired by PBRS Bunk House 48B, exhibited by Route 66, Marshfield, Mo., and Wilder Family Limousin, Snook, Texas.

Reserve champion bull: LDIL Houston 040H, 11/5/2020, 57% Lim-Flex, homozygous black, homozygous polled, sired by CJSL Creed 5042C, exhibited by Ellie Dill, Marshfield, Mo.

Limousin Female Show Division Winners

Division I champion: LDIL Hallie 053H, 11/20/2020, 81% Limousin, homozygous black, homozygous polled, sired by TASF Crown Royal 960C, exhibited by Ellie Dill, Marshfield, Mo.
Division I reserve:
GETZ Honor Roll 53H, 11/7/2020, 51% Lim-Flex, double black, double polled, sired by CJSL Creed 5042C, exhibited by Jackson Dill, Marshfield, Mo.

Division II champion: AUTO Honor ET, 10/21/2020, 37% Lim-Flex, homozygous black, homozygous polled, sired by Schilling’s R&L Confidential, exhibited by Kole Lewis, Anderson, Mo.
Division II reserve: AUTO Harriette, 10/27/2020, 83% Limousin, homozygous black, homozygous polled, sired by AUTO Real Deal, exhibited by Corbin Brockhaus, Holden, Mo.

Division III champion: AUTO Hilda 658H, 8/7/2020, 70% Lim-Flex, black, homozygous polled, sired by AUTO Denali 746F, exhibited by Case Brockhaus, Holden, Mo.
Division III reserve: SEEE Hope, 5/1/2020, 75% Lim-Flex, homozygous black, homozygous polled, sired by MAGS Cable, exhibited by Chelsea Pinnell, Cuba, Mo.

Division IV champion: SEEE Harrietta, 4/16/2020, 57% Lim-Flex, double black, double polled, sired by SEEE Common Law, exhibited by Tenley Edwards, Mayview, Mo.
Division IV reserve: CB Hennessy 0789H, 3/15/2020, Lim-Flex, exhibited by Sam Callahan, Centerview, Mo.

Division V champion: AUTO Haley 602H, 1/5/2020, 69% Lim-Flex, heterozygous black, homozygous polled, sired by AUTO King David 120E. exhibited by Chelsea Pinnell, Cuba, Mo.
Division V reserve: CELL High Class 0209H, 1/22/2020, 43% Lim-Flex, homozygous black, homozygous polled, sired by MAGS Ali, exhibited by Karlee Favor, Marshfield, Mo.

Division VI champion: GALF Glamour Girl 907G, 9/7/2019, 57% Lim-Flex, homozygous black, double polled, sired by MAGS Aviator, exhibited by Carson Hoth, Anderson, Mo.
Division VI reserve: AUTO Gwen 291G ET, 10/6/2020, 79% Limousin, homozygous black, heterozygous polled, sired by MAGS Aviator, exhibited by Kole Lewis, Anderson, Mo.

Limousin Bull Show Division Winners

Division I champion: LDIL Houston 040H, 11/5/2020, 57% Lim-Flex, homozygous black, homozygous polled, sired by CJSL Creed 5042C, exhibited by Ellie Dill, Marshfield, Mo.

Division II champion: JDIL Hannity 028H, 9/25/2020, 45% Lim-Flex, homozygous black, homozygous polled, sired by CJSL Creed 5042C, exhibited by Jackson Dill, Marshfield, Mo.
Division II reserve: FBFL Hulk 289H, 9/3/2020, 81% Limousin, homozygous black, homozygous polled, sired by ELCX Display 650D ET, exhibited by Gracie Brackman, Concordia, Mo.

Division III champion: MIDL Hector Lives, 8/18/2020, 50% Lim-Flex, homozygous black, double polled, sired by TNGC Empire 736E, exhibited by Middleton Limousin, Boubon, Mo.
Division III reserve: XKLX Hypnotic, 6/2/2020, 81% Limousin, homozygous black, double polled, sired by SEEE Donald, exhibited by Kole Lewis, Anderson, Mo.

Division IV champion: WFL Hennessy 011H ET, 2/2/2020, 75% Lim-Flex, homozygous black, homozygous polled, sired by PBRS Bunk House 48B, exhibited by Route 66, Marshfield, Mo., and Wilder Family Limousin, Snook, Texas.

Division VI champion: AKLF Power Load 956G, 9/24/2019, 62% Lim-Flex, double black, double polled, sired by AUTO Power Plus 133B ET, exhibited by Kautsch Farms, Russellville, Mo.

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