North American International Livestock Exposition Junior Limousin Show
November 17, 2019
Louisville, Ky.
Judge: Brandon Callis, Okla.
Entries: 64 head
Grand champion Limousin female: JSZC TSSC Larissa 49G, 4/9/2019, 50% Lim-Flex, homozygous black, polled, sired by Silveiras Style 9303, out of Riverstone Charmed, exhibited by Bailey Tomson, Westport, Ind.
Reserve champion Limousin female: TASF Peyton 212F, 3/11/2018, 78% Limousin, homozygous black, homozygous polled, sired by CJSL Dauntless 6257D, out of AUTO Peyton 206Y, exhibited by Kade Gensini, Hennepin, Ill.