August 29, 2022
North Salem, Ore.
Grand Champion Limousin Female: DJ J.Lo ET, 1/30/2022, 50% Lim-flex, homozygous black, double polled, sired by EXAR Classen 1422B, out of DJ Roses N Chocolate, exhibited by Rowdy Berry, Port Orchard, Wash.
Reserve Grand Champion Limousin Female: DJ Heartstopper ET, 9/6/2020, 50% Lim-Flex, homozygous black, homozygous polled, sired by S A V Bismark 5682, out of DJ Roses N Chocolate, exhibited by Rowdy Berry, Port Orchard, Wash.
Grand Champion Limousin Bull: Berrys Johnny Ringo, 4/16/2021, 37% Lim-Flex, double black, homozygous polled, sired by CWCL Ludens First Dakota 018F, out of Berrys Merida, exhibited by Rowdy Berry, Port Orchard, Wash.
Reserve Grand Champion Limousin Bull: CIC justice, 2/6/2021, 75% Lim-Flex, homozygous black, heterozygous polled, sired by MAGS Cable, out of CIC Calliope, Exhibited by Lee and Glenda Stilwell, Klamath Falls, Ore.