Scholarships Awarded to Limousin Juniors

The North American Limousin Junior Association (NALJA) and the Limi Boosters awarded nine scholarships totaling $7,000 to Limousin juniors. Five different types of scholarship programs are offered to NALJA members pursuing higher education.

The Limi Boosters sponsors the Donna Etherton National Scholarship. Selection for the Donna Etherton scholarships are based on scholastic excellence, demonstrated leadership, citizenship, financial need, and participation in 4-H, FFA, and Limousin junior activities.

Recipients of the $500 Donna Etherton Limi Boosters National Scholarship are: Dalton Edwards, Higginsville, Mo.; Joanna Moser, Morris, Minn.; Grayson Harth, Idalou, Texas; Caitlyn Ochsner, Kersey, Colo.; Callie Hicks, Midway, Ky.; and Will Blaydes, Midway, Ky.

The Leonard and Vi Wulf Scholarship is awarded to financially support the educational pursuits of young Limousin enthusiasts who possess upstanding character, perseverance, work ethic, ingenuity, and demonstrated scholastic achievement, consistent with the values endeared by the Wulf family. This scholarship is funded with income generated from the honorary fund established at the time of Leonard Wulf’s induction into the North American Limousin Foundation Hall of Fame. It’s further supported by the generosity of the Wulf family.

One $500 scholarship was presented for the 2016-2017 academic year in honor of Leonard and Vi Wulf. The recipient was Will Blaydes, Midway, Ky.

The Ron & Carolyn Holland Scholarship was created to financially support the educational pursuits of young Limousin enthusiasts who possess upstanding character, perseverance, work ethic, ingenuity, and demonstrate scholastic achievement. These attributes are consistent with the values endeared by the Holland Family. Selection is also based on participation in NALJA activities and the Limousin breed, as well as stated future professional goals.

Callie Hicks, Midway, Ky., was the recipient of the 2016 Ron & Carolyn Holland Scholarship. This scholarship awards $2,000 to the individual, distributed in yearly increments of $500 for four years.

The North American Limousin Junior Association sponsors the Award of Excellence scholarships. These $750 scholarships are awarded to support Limousin enthusiasts who have proven excellence in Limousin activities as well as leadership skills demonstrated in NALJA, 4-H, FFA, and other endeavors. They are selected based on their hands-on experience shown by a detailed report of management practices used within the applicant’s own herd as well as their ability to set and achieve worthy goals.

The 2016 NALJA Award of Excellence recipients were Kenneth Campbell, Leavenworth, Kan., and Anna Johnson, Sebeka, Minn.

For more information on the North American Limousin Junior Association contact Katie Campbell, director of activities, at 303-220-1693, ext. 43, or visit


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